Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) announced today that the “Anti-epidemic Support Scheme for Property Management Sector” (ASPM) commissioned by the Home Affairs Department, HKSAR Government has received about 3,700 enquiries and more than 2,500 applications, out of which 315 applications have been approved, involving subsidies of around HK$8.7 million, benefiting over 2,000 building blocks as of today. The relevant property management companies (PMCs) and owners’ organisations (OOs) will receive notifications for disbursement of subsidies in due course.
Mr Tony TSE, the PMSA Chairperson said, “We are pleased to provide the frontline property management workers with prompt financial support. This serves to be a recognition for their devotion to safeguard the public health. The application deadline for the ASPM is 15 April 2020. Eligible PMCs and OOs which have not applied for subsidies under the ASPM are encouraged to submit their applications through the ASPM’s online application platform or by post as soon as possible.”
The Home Affairs Department and the PMSA conducted a series of briefing sessions earlier to introduce the ASPM to PMCs and OOs. Due to the impact of the novel coronavirus, the PMSA has been organising a series of webinars for enhancing PMCs and OOs’ understanding of the ASPM. In addition, the PMSA broadcasted messages on ASPM through radio in the late March. Promotional leaflets are also distributed to PMCs and OOs (photo attached). The PMSA will continue to disseminate information on ASPM through various channels to encourage applications.
A list of properties for which applications have been approved has been announced on the website of the PMSA: Please refer to the ASPM webpage for details about application for subsidies. For enquiries, please contact the PMSA:
Enquiries of ASPM:
Tel: (852) 3696 1156 / 3696 1166
About the Anti-epidemic Support Scheme for Property Management Sector
To support the anti-epidemic work of the property management sector, the Government has set up the “Anti-epidemic Support Scheme for Property Management Sector” (ASPM) under the “Anti-epidemic Fund”. The ASPM aims to provide an “Anti-epidemic Cleansing Subsidy” to the PMCs or OOs in private residential and composite (i.e. commercial cum residential) buildings, and subsidise them to provide the “Anti-epidemic Hardship Allowance” to front-line property management workers (i.e. cleansing and security workers). The maximum amount of subsidy for each private residential and composite building block is HK$26,000.

Ends/Thursday, 2 April 2020
Issued at HKT 18:00