In response to the Property Management Services Authority’s (PMSA) appeal for submitting property management company (PMC) licence applications soonest possible, over 30 PMC members of The Federation of Hong Kong Property Management Industry (FHKPMI) submitted today in bulk the PMC licence applications to the PMSA Chairperson Mr Tony TSE. Including those submitted by the FHKPMI members today, the PMSA has already received licence applications from over 170 PMCs, of which 73 have successfully been licensed.
Chairperson TSE said, “The PMSA wishes to express heartfelt gratitude towards the FHKPMI and its company members for responding to PMSA’s appeal by actively applying for PMC licences and supporting the PM industry licensing regime. Not only did the FHKPMI become recently a founding member of the Guangdong Province Greater Bay Area Property and Facilities Management Union to help thrust the local PM industry to develop outside Hong Kong, expanding its boundaries of service and participating in servicing the Greater Bay Area, it also co-organises the PMSA Specified Courses with the School of Professional Education and Executive Development, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, for provisional PMPs (Tier 1) so that they may apply for formal PMP (Tier 1) licence upon successful completion of the studies. The FHKPMI strives to drive the development of Hong Kong’s PM industry and nurture local PM talents thus serving as a role model for the industry.”
The PMSA also announced today that, since the implementation of the property management (PM) industry licensing regime on 1 August 2020, the PMSA has issued over 7,000 property management practitioner (PMP) and PMC licences, whereby formal PMP and PMC licences account for 63%, while provisional PMP licences account for 37%.
Under the licensing regime, all PMCs providing properties subject to deeds of mutual covenant with more than one category of prescribed PM services, as well as PMPs designated for managerial or supervisory roles in such PMCs for providing PM services, must hold valid PM licence starting from 1 August 2023 in order to continue to provide PM services in accordance with the law after the transitional period of the licensing regime.
Chairperson TSE emphasised, “There are 400 plus days remaining until the end of the three-year transitional period under the licensing regime (up to end of July 2023). To ensure that all PMCs will successfully be licensed before the end of the transitional period and that they can continue to provide PM services seamlessly afterwards, the PMSA will actively appeal through various channels for the industry to submit licence applications soonest possible.”

Ends/Monday, 30 May 2022
Issued at HKT 19:00